A Guide to Art Deco Jewelry

The Art Deco design movement that was emblematic of the 1920s and 30s has a presence in the daily lives of New Yorkers. The local landmarks that make up our commutes, morning walks in the park and nights out on the town, include some of the greatest triumphs in Art Deco Architecture anywhere in the […]
Ruby: Nature’s Most Precious Stone

The Science Behind Ruby Ruby, derived from the Latin word ruber meaning red, is one of the four most precious stones, among emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds. The formation of natural ruby occurs deep within the earth’s crust under intense heat and pressure. In the process known as crystallization, the minerals transform from a molten state […]
Tourmaline: The Stone of Creativity

Tourmaline, derived from the Singalese word ‘tourmali’ meaning stone with mixed colors, aptly refers to the stone’s unique ability to display multiple colors within a single stone. The tourmaline’s ability to present in a range of colors makes it one of the most versatile and unique gemstones. The tourmaline stone is thought to encourage creativity, […]
Tanzanite: The Gemstone of Transformation

Tanzanite, named after its country of origin – Tanzania, is a precious stone that has carved a unique niche in the world of gemstones. When tanzanite was first unearthed and identified as a new gemstone, it was labeled as one of the most important gemstone discoveries in over 2000 years, immediately rising to great popularity. […]
November’s Traditional Birthstone: The Topaz Stone

The topaz stone earned its name from “Topazios,” which refers to the old name for a small Greek island in the Red Sea, now known by the name Zabargard. The origins of this name remain somewhat obscure, as the island was never known to produce topaz stones, but it was a source of peridot with […]
Citrine Stone: The Sun Stone

The citrine stone is aptly named for the Latin word “citrina” because of its easily recognizable yellow hues that are reminiscent of citrusy, sun-soaked fruit like lemons or oranges. Holding a rich history that spans centuries, citrine stones are one of the most compelling and ancient stones. Origins and Formation of Citrine Stones Citrine stones […]
Peridot Stone: Nature’s Evening Emerald

Peridot, also known as olivine, is a pale green gemstone whose distinctive pale green color earned it the title of ‘nature’s evening emerald’. The name peridot hails from the French word peritôt, meaning unclear, which refers to the internal fractures and inclusions that are characteristically present within the peridot stone. The peridot stone occurs in […]
Moonstones: The Goddess Crystal

The moonstone crystal is named for its likeness to the moon, which is characterized by an enchanting pearly sheen that captures and reflects light. Ethereal and dynamic, moonstone crystals have a unique ability to appear as if they are in constant motion – dancing in the light. Moonstones are the result of the formation of […]